Acne is a common skin condition that affects many people in India and other parts of the world. While teenagers and young adults are the most affected, older people suffer from it too. For teenagers, the condition goes away on its own or with minimal treatment as they continue to grow into adulthood.

However, in some cases, probably most cases, advanced treatment and special attention from skin specialists like Dr. Rinky Kapoor may be required. It is important for the root causes of acne to be found before the patient starts taking any treatments.


Causes of acne

There are many different factors that may lead to acne. Some of these factors include:

Bacteria: The skin naturally contains a bacteria called Propionibacterium. These bacteria can rapidly multiply in clogged pores, triggering an immune response and causing redness and inflammation. This reaction leads to the development of papules, pustules, and nodules, hence Propionibacterium acnes.

Hormonal changes: hormonal changes are another major cause of the development of acne. This mostly happens during puberty in teenagers, menstruation and pregnancy in women, and when using birth control pills. Androgens (a male hormone present in both males and females) play a role in stimulating sebum production, making hormonal changes a significant acne trigger.

Genetics: Genetics contributes a lot to how we look and what we experience in our lifetime. This is a component in our DNA that is responsible for a lot of factors, including the cause of acne, even though it is not common. If your family has a history of acne, then you are also more likely to develop it.

Lifestyle factors: some lifestyle habits may not be healthy for flawless skin and could be the leading factor in acne development. While not fully linked, some research suggests that dietary choices such as excessive consumption of glycemic foods and dairy products can contribute to acne. Poor skincare routines and the use of products not formulated for your specific type of skin may also cause acne.

Acne treatment in Mumbai

The Esthetic Clinics offer many different acne treatments that can be prescribed depending on factors such as the patients’ skin type, type of acne, and any other health conditions or allergies they may have.

Topical medication; topical medications are creams and ointments that help relieve inflammation and unclog pores. They can be prescribed or bought over the counter, and they work by consistently applying them to the affected areas.

Oral medication; Oral medications such as tetracycline and doxycycline antibiotics can be prescribed in more severe cases. Oral contraceptives for women and anti-androgen medications can also be prescribed to manage acne. These help to reduce inflammation and control bacterial infections.

Chemical peel Treatment are a type of skin treatment usually done to rejuvenate the appearance of the skin, making it look younger, refreshed, and supple. It is a chemical solution applied to exfoliate the skin, unclog pores, improve the appearance of acne, and promote skin regeneration.

Lifestyle changes: sometimes all an individual needs to get rid of and forget about acne is some adjustments in their lifestyle. For example, something as simple as maintaining a balanced diet, practicing stress management techniques such as exercise and yoga, and getting enough sleep could make a significant difference. Avoiding cosmetics that clog pores and maintaining a healthy skincare routine can also help create healthy-looking, acne-free skin.

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